Wednesday 7 September 2011

Open wide and say ARRRGGGHHHH!

Well it's Wednesday today - hump day. ( I wish ) I'm looking forward to the weekend fastly approaching and heading to the city to go see Final Destination 5 in 3D and also going out for dinner. Then Saturday my dear, some  what now slightly mentally derranged sister is coming up for the night and we shall certainly be partaking in a few beverages and dinner at the club with a few other friends.
Today being the first Wednesday of the month the newspaper I have my column in came out. Call me sad, but I still get such a thrill from seeing my name in print and reading back over my column and any other feature I have within the paper. I still need to put together a scrap book of my clippings - one day. 
I went to visit my 'other' sister today to take her some dvd's and chocolate cake as she recently broke her arm in 4 places and is bored witless and becoming gravely concerned that she is developing an addiction to a television shopping network. So I've done my good deed for the day, mind you I don't think any amount of good deeds I do is go to save me from roasting in the infernal pit of hell and maybe doing these good deeds is just going to make things a hell of a lot worse for me down there. I mean seriously how exactly does Hell work? Obviously Satan despises any good deeds and so having these kinds of thing on  your death C.V surely isn't in your favour when checking in to Hell. Will I be penalised and get a smaller room or larger poker? Does the nastier you are guarentee you better treatment? Does the devil have an exclusive club for VIP's? 
Who am I kidding? I don't believe in Hell or the Devil or even heaven for that matter. But I don't believe this is the end.. but I think I can safely continue to do good deeds that balance out the amount of nastiness I write and continue to sleep peacefully at night...

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